Weekly Reflection Palm Sunday 5th April
Judas Iscariot”
Last Sunday’s Gospel allowed us to meet the character of Lazarus, whom Jesus restored to life, from the tomb. We noted all the positive images of come-backs that have been associated with his name down the centuries. In worlds as diverse as sports, or politics or business, when insurmountable odds are overcome, the comeback is often compared to that of Lazarus.
Today we go to the other extreme and encounter the character of Judas Iscariot. Was there ever a name in history with such negative connotations. The betrayal of Jesus has resonated with peoples of all nations up until the present day, and being described as a Judas denotes one of the lowest forms of character faults that an individual may have.
“Thirty pieces of silver” is another one of those phrases that has been adopted by commentators and the public alike to describe a monetary value which is the proceeds of crime, or worse still the value one puts on one’s reputation which is ruined by some short sighted scam or illegal activity.
Judas was not the first nor will he be the last person to betray a friend. We pray today that we will never find ourselves being compromised through our thoughts, words or deeds, into betraying the trust of a loved one, or indeed any other person.
Fr Shane