Parish Envelopes
PARISH ENVELOPE Since the start of this emergency when we are prevented from coming together as a faith community in this Sacred Space, the faithful have joined in our Sunday and weekday celebrations of the Eucharist by way of the parish radio and the live streaming on the webcam here in St Joseph’s Church. Modern technology is very useful when it enables us to participate in the Mass from our own homes. We are fortunate to have these facilities.
One of the queries that many of the faithful have raised with me is the question of how they are to contribute their weekly donation to the parish. May I suggest a few alternatives;
(i) Continue to place your contribution in your personal envelope as usual and then either drop it through the letter box of either of the priests houses, or you may wish to retain them and bring them in bulk to the church when we get permission to restore the public Masses.
(ii) Some people may wish to write a cheque and post it to the parish, or drop it though the letter box in the priest’s houses (Cheque to made payable to St Joseph’s Church)
(iii) Some may make use of the online facility that is provided by the diocesan office. To access that facility you go to the diocesan webpage at On that page you will find a Donate box which you tap. You fill out the form and name the parish you wish to contribute to, select the amount of the contribution, put in your bank details and the monies will go to the diocesan account and be transferred to the parish of your choice.
I am very conscious that in these frightening times that your own resources may be restricted. This
message is for those who can afford to continue to support the parish in these challenging times.
I would ask however that you continue to pray as individuals and as family units, for an end to this pandemic.
Fr Shane