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Arrangements for Christmas 2018

Sunday Evening Devotions and Benediction for Advent at 5pm   ( Sunday 2nd, 9th and 16th December)

Confessions for Christmas

Penitential Service :

Sunday 23rd Decemeber : 5pm . (With visiting Priests for Individual Confessions)


Saturday 22nd December : 11.30- 1pm / Confessions after Vigil Mass

Monday 24th December: 10.30am – 12.00 Noon

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Remembrance Ceremony for our Dead

Remembrance Ceremony for our Dead

On  Sunday 25th November at 5pm in St. Joseph’s Church, we will hold a special Prayer service in remembrance of our dead. You are most welcome to come along especially if you have lost a loved one during the past year.

We invite you  to bring a flower which you will place in a basket

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Novena Masses for the Month Of November

Novena Masses for the Month Of November. During November a Novena of Masses will be offered for your deceased relatives and Friends.  Please include the name of those who you wish to be remembered on the “ List of Dead”  copies of which are available in the Church, and place in the petition boxes in Church.