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Stamps for the Mission

Have you had a letter today? Will you help our Missions?
Your stamps can help provide a home for the many street children in the Democratic Republic of Congo and give them an education.
Teach to read and write many thousands of people, especially women in Africa and Asia.
Help so many people who live in subhuman conditions.
So please

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Eucharist Ministers

Training for ALL Eucharistic Ministers (New and Existing ministers) will begin in the Shirley Arms Hotel Monday 15th Feb 2016 at 7.30pm. Thank you to all who have registered in the Parish Office. It is important to register so that we know what number is available to serve, and at this stage we are still looking for more volunteers. We

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Thank you from Saint Vincent De Paul Society

Saint Vincent De Paul Society : Saint Joseph’s S.V.P Conference here in Carrickmacross wishes to thank most sincerely you the public, for your generosity to our recent collection. Further subscriptions can be sent directly to St Joseph’s Conference, or any member of the conference, and donations may also be placed in St Anthony’s Box in the church porch.
We also