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Palm Sunday

On Sunday 20th March ( Palm Sunday) you will see asecond large cross in the church porch. As we remember
Christ’s passion we are invited to unite our own crosseswith his. We place at the foot of the cross our personal
crosses / our sufferings, or suffering in the world. You may write a petition, or leave a memento or

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Trocaire Parish Envelope

There is a yellow envelope in the current box of envelopes dated 24th March.
Proceeds from your Trocaire box can be placed in thisenvelope, and will be collected at all Masses on Holy
Thursday. Alternativley please bring your Trocaire Boxes to the Church on Holy Thursday. Place them in the
collection boxes at the entrance of the Church. They will 

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Support for the Parish and the Priests.

1. Tax relief for donations to eligible charities.

Machaire Rois Parish has received 35,655 euro from the

Office of The Revenue Commissioners for years 2013-

2014. Our sincere thanks to all who supported the

scheme. Details of this scheme are available in the Parish

Office. To support the scheme, a parishioner must be a

tax payer, contribute at least 250

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Easter Confessions and Easter Ceremonies

Easter Confessions
Wednesday 23rd March : 10.30am -12 Noon and
6.30pm – 7.30pm.
Holy Saturday 26th March 10.30am -12 Noon and
Easter Ceremonies
Thursday 24TH March – Holy Thursday.
3.00pm and 7.30pm : Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Friday 25th March – Good Friday.
3.00pm and 7.30pm: Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Saturday 26th April – Holy Saturday.

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Hymn for the Holy Year of Mercy

The hymn’s title and refrain (from Lk.6,36) “MisericordesSicut Pater” is the official Latin theme of The Year of Mercy and translates to “Merciful Like The Father”. The music for the hymn was written by a British composer Paul Inwood and the verses by Jesuit Eugenio Costa. The four verses of the hymn contain lines from scripture punctuated by the Latin

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24 Hours for the Lord

At the invitation of Pope Francis we are celebrating “24 Hours for the Lord” in St Joseph’s Church Carrickmacross
on Friday and Saturday March 4th and 5th. This is an occasion for all to encounter the mercy and forgivness of God, a time when God hears the prayer of the humble and repentant and welcomes us home. Included in the