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Jubilee Thanksgiving Mass (Homily) by Bishop Liam Mc Daid

Jubilee Thanksgiving Mass

St. Joseph’s Church, Carrickmacross

150 Years of Prayer and Worship

Sunday, 7 August 2016, 6.00pm



In today’s reading from Hebrews, it is said of Abraham “he looked forward to a city founded, designed and built by God”.  In the Gospel reading Jesus tells his disciples “where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”


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150 year Celebrations

150 year Celebrations This Sunday 7th August 2016,
the people of Carrickmacross and the entire South-
Monaghan parish of Machaire Rois will celebrate the one
hundred and fiftieth anniversary of their beautiful parish
church of St Joseph’s, dedicated in 1866. The highpoint of
the anniversary will be the celebration of the Sacrament
of Eucharist – a Mass of Thanksgiving at

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The Clogher iCatholic Channel

The Clogher  iCatholic Channel. In keeping with up to date means of communications, the diocese now has a channel on  It is equivalent of the RTE player or BBC iPlayer for the Irish Church. Recently, Bishop Liam MacDaid recorded a message to young people concerning Vocations via the channel and it also features interviews with newly-ordained priest

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Fr Ivin Church Building

Fr Ivin Church Building Please pray for work to progress through the rainy season to have roof on by year end. This is the first Catholic church in the first Catholic Parish in a vast area. Father says Mass in thanks for all your kindness and prayers from our Parish and elsewhere. Contact Peadar on 0877741954.