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Mission Sunday

Next Sunday is Mission Sunday, the annual worldwide Catholic celebration of mission in its fullest sense.

Pope Francis describes mission “As a passion for Jesus and a passion for his people”.

Our financial and spiritual help enables missionaries to breathe faith, hope and charity into the lives of people who need it most. Sharing the message and sharing financially

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The Seven Sacraments of the Church


Baptism is the foundational Sacrament and the prerequisite for all other sacraments.. It unites us with Jesus Christ , incorporates us into redemptive death on the cross, thereby freeing us from the power of Original Sin and all personal sins, and causes us to rise with him to a life without end. Since Baptism is a covenant with

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The Seven Sacraments of the Church

All Sacraments are an encounter with Christ, who is himself the original sacrament. There are sacraments of Initiation which introduce the recipient into the Faith: Baptism -Confirmation- Eucharist. There are sacraments of Healing, Reconciliation and the Anointing of the Sick, and there are sacraments of Communion and Mission, Matrimony and Holy Orders.

Baptism joins us with Christ. Confirmation gives us

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St Joseph’s Machaire Rois 1866-2016

Sincere gratitude to all who attended the very successful function on Sunday night last in Hotel Nuremore featuring the showing of St Joseph’s Machaire Rois 1866 – 2016.

This film documentary was well received and highly acclaimed by the audience.  The quality of the filming and the presentation of the story of St Joseph’s were mentioned as the highlights of

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Devotions to St. Thérèse (the Little Flower):

Devotions to St. Thérèse (the Little Flower): A Triduum of Masses in preparation for the Feast of St. Thérèse of Lisieux (Saturday 1st October) will take place in St. Mary’s Castleblayney. Devotions will include intercessory prayers for families, the sick, for healing, and with conclude with a blessing with the relic of St.Thérèse. Details as to the Mass times are