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Mass of Thanksgiving – Bishop MacDaid

Mass of Thanksgiving  – Bishop MacDaid:

The priests and people from all parishes across the Diocese of Clogher will honour the Episcopal ministry and gifts of Bishop Liam MacDaid at a Mass of Thanksgiving in St Macartan’s Cathedral, Monaghan, on Sunday 20 November next at 3pm, followed by a reception in the Hillgrove Hotel nearby. Everyone welcome. All 37 parishes

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World Missions Ireland

World Missions Ireland would like to thank most sincerely all in the parish for the very generous contributions to last week’s Mission Sunday collection. Monies raised will be an invaluable resource for the continuing work of missionaries throughout the world. For more on its work please go to

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Novena Masses for the month of November

Beginning on All Souls Day Wednesday 2nd  Nov a Novena of Masses will be offered for your deceased relatives and friends.  Please include the names of those you wish to be remembered on the “List of Dead” copies of which are available in the Church. The “lists” are placed on the Altar during Mass in the month of November.

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Today is Mission Sunday

It is the one day when we are specifically asked to dig into our hearts and minds and assist our Church’s universal mission. Our theme for this years’ Mission Sunday is ‘Every Christian is a Missionary’.  We all have the privilege of sharing God’s love and words with those who have not yet heard Him. Pope Francis is an

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The Seven Sacraments of the Church

The Seven Sacraments of the Church

Baptism (cont’d)

The gift received by newborn infants needs to be accepted by them freely and responsibly once they have reached adulthood,the process of growing up will then bring them to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation , which precisely strengthens the baptized, and confers upon each one the “Seal” of the Holy Spirit.
