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Dates For Diary

Dates For Diary : Cemetery Blessings  2nd July after 12 Noon Mass.  First Holy Communion Bun Scoil Lughaidh Naofa 6th May , Scoil Rois  13th May, St Joseph’s Boys School, 20th May. Confirmation 7th May. Procession May 28th , route via Mullinary.   Priests Seminar Monday 24th-26th ( Inclusive) April. There

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Triduum to St Joseph

Triduum to St Joseph

The Triduum of Prayer and Hope Sat  29th, Sun 30th April,  Monday 1st May in honour of St Joseph.

The triduum  will be  conducted by a Redemptorist priest from Clonard Monastery, Belfast.

Saturday 29th April Mass: 11 am 6-30 pm .

Sunday 30th April  Mass: 9-30 and 12 noon. Eucharist Healing 7 pm


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You are invited to a three-day celebration.

You are invited to a three-day celebration. The Easter Triduum (Triduum=three days) is celebrated from Holy Thursday at 3pm to Easter Sunday evening.  This extended celebration offers people of faith a deep spiritual engagement with Christ’s Passover through death to risen life, what we call his Paschal Mystery.  The celebration is marked by three Liturgies:  The Mass of the Lord’s

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Palm Sunday 9th April

Palm Sunday 9th April-  Palms will be blessed at all Masses.  Palm Sunday 9th April at 5PM Penitential Service with Individual Confessions

There will be a number of Priests available .We encourage as many as possible to avail of this opportunity of spiritual preparation for the Feast of Easter.