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World meeting of families Petition Box

World meeting of families Petition Box  In common with all other parishes across Ireland, all families in this parish are invited to write down their petitions and prayers and place them in a special petition box that is travelling throughout our diocese over the coming months. The Family Petition Box will be in our Parish between 16th March

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Rememberance Ceremony for our Dead : Sunday 26th  November at 5pm in St. Joseph’s Church. We will hold a Special Prayer service in remembrance of our dead.  You are most welcome to come along and especially if you have lost a loved one during the past year. In memory of your loved one, we invite you to bring

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Weekday Mass’s for Lent 2018

Weekday Mass’s for Lent 2018

A) There will be two daily Masses:

Mass Monday to Friday: 10am, Sat 11am.

B) Parishioners are invited to vote about the most suitable time for the early morning Mass.

Please indicate your preferred time on the Parish Envelope for December 3rd. Options ( 7am, 7.30am and 8am).

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Holy Communion Dates 2018 and Confirmation


Holy Communuion 

Scoil Rois : 12th May : 11am

St Joseph’s Boys National School : 19th May :11am

Bun Scoil Lughaidh Naofa : 26th May : 11am

Confirmation 13th May at 3pm, St Joseph’s Church Carrickmacross.

First Communion and Confirmation are graced times from God.

They are special days for Parents and Child.

Prepare by praying as a

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Novena Masses for the month of November

Beginning on All Souls Day  2nd Nov, a Novena of Masses will be offered for your deceased relatives and friends.  Please include the names of those who you wish to be remembered on the “List of Dead”, copies of which are available in the Church.  All envelopes are opened & the “lists” are placed on the Altar during Mass