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Arrangements for Christmas 2015

Penitential Service For Christmas: Sunday 20th December  at 5pm.

Confessions : On Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd of December, after Mass at 10am.

The priest will be available On Thursday 24th December after Mass until 12 Noon (Christmas Eve).


Mass times For Christmas 2015

Vigil Mass for Christmas Day at 9pm.

Mass on Christmas Day: 9am, 10.30am and 12 Noon.


Morning Mass on Monday 28th – Friday  1st of January  will be at 11.00am. There will be no evening Mass.


Parish office

The Parish office will be closed from Wednesday 23rd December to Monday 4th January. Emergency number for Christmas Day is 042 9664367. Please note any items for Parish newsletter for weekend of the 3rd January edition must be submitted to Office no later than Tuesday 22nd December.