Re- opening letter : Notice
Dear Parishioner,
We are delighted to confirm that St. Joseph’s Church Carrickmacross, St Michael’s Corduff, and St John the Evangelist Raferagh, will re-open for public masses, post a deep clean and sanitisation, from Monday June 29th. We look forward to welcoming you back. However, in order to ensure the safety and health of people, ministers, and priests there will be a number of changes in place. These changes are to ensure adherence with the most up-to-date public health advice, associated regulations and Clogher diocesan guidelines.
It is most important that people who are vulnerable or unwell, and especially those with any symptoms that might suggest Covid-19 infection, should stay at home and, if possible, participate, via webcam ( or radio (92.1fm). The same applies to those who have been in recent contact with someone who has the virus, in accordance with public health advice. The dispensation from the Sunday and Holy Day obligation still remains for the time being.
What can you expect upon return:
- The Sunday mass schedule will remain unchanged (Saturday Vigil 6pm, Sunday 9:30am & 12 noon in St Joseph’s and 11am on alternate Sunday’s in Corduff and Raferagh). The midweek schedule in St Joseph’s will remain with 10am Monday – Friday, Saturday 11am however an additional mass will be added in the short-term every Friday at 7:30pm. Corduff and Raferagh 7:30pm alternating Wednesday evening mass will remain and an additional alternating Monday evening 7:30pm mass will also be added in the short-term. With 2-meter physical distancing St. Joseph’s Church can accommodate 72 individuals Corduff (40) Raferagh (25) (approximately 10% of the pre-Covid-19 capacity), if couples or those from the same household attend this number can increase. However, for the first three weeks of opening, until July 19th, the maximum allowed indoors is 50. From July 20th this increases to 100.
Therefore, in order to manage the attendance, we are requesting & planning the following:
- Those who have been cocooning to attend mass during the week rather that at the weekend
- Those from surrounding parishes to attend mass at their local church
- The extra mid-week masses, mentioned above, are intended to accommodate month’s minds and anniversaries
- The seating will be allocated on a first-come first-serve basis with stewards showing you to the next available seat.
- In order to facilitate completion of cleaning and sanitisation the church doors will open 30 mins prior to mass
- Hand sanitisation stations will be provided upon entry & exit but parishioners are welcome to bring their own sanitiser and disinfection wipes if they wish.
- A one-way system will be in place, with parishioners entering through the main front doors only.
- Stewards will guide you to your seat, at Holy communion and also on leaving the church. Your co-operation with the stewards is much appreciated.
- At weekday & weekend masses and on Holy Days a secure box for planned giving envelopes and donations will be provided in the entry porch with parishioners requested to sanitise after donating.
- Parishioners are requested to observe the 2-meter physical distancing both inside and outside the church
- Face coverings are not mandatory but parishioners are welcome to wear them
- Parishioners are requested to receive Holy Communion on the hand. Priests and Eucharistic ministers will hand sanitise and wear face masks for distribution of Holy Communion.
- The parish newsletter will be distributed on exiting the church.
- The church toilets will remain open during scheduled Mass’s and parishioners are requested to use hand sanitizer provided.
- Confessions schedule: St Josephs Carickmacross: Saturday at 1 O’clock & Thursday at 1 O’clock (prior to First Friday). Parishioners are asked to observe social distancing and the guidelines displayed.
- Parishioners who use a Pyx are asked to contact the parish office for additional guidelines.
Whilst these are abnormal times for us all we ask for your patience and co-operation over the coming period. The situation will be kept under review and further changes may be required to ensure we make the transition as safe and as smooth for all involved.
Lastly to those who have volunteered to help with re-opening and assist with the new arrangements a sincere thank you for your time and dedication. With your support we look forward to ensuring we have a safe parish environment for all well into the future.
Should you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to Contact Yvonne in the Parish office on 042 9661231.