Clogher Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Group.
Clogher Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Group. Laudato Si The title ‘Laudato Si’ comes from St Francis of Assisi’s famous 13th century prayer ‘ The Canticle of the Creatures’. Translated into English as either ‘Be praised’ or ‘ Praised be’ . It is an Umbrian- Italian phrase used throughout the prayer to give thanks to God for creation.
Pope Francis’ Encyclical – June 2015. The launch of Laudato SI’- Care of our Common Home- . Pope Francis’s second encyclical in June 2015 is timely. Laudato SI’ is a clarion call to action, addressed to’ every living person on this planet. I would like to enter into dialogue with all people about our common home’. Pope Francis draws on the wisdom and inspiration of his patron St Francis of Assisi , and ecumenically, he welcomes the deep concern and valuable reflections on the disturbing issues of our time from ‘ other Churches and Christian communities as well as other religions’.